The Cancer Society of Finland is the umbrella name for its member associations, the Cancer Foundation and the Finnish Cancer Registry, which have a common constitution and strategy. The CSF was founded in 1936 and has been joined by regional associations since the 1950s and patient associations since the 1960s. It now has 18 member associations, including twelve regional associations and six national patient organisations. These have a combined membership of over 110 000. The Cancer Foundation was established in 1948 to support cancer prevention and cancer research. Cooperation between the CSF and the foundation began in 1950 with a joint fundraising campaign. The Foundation carries out its mission by raising and disbursing funds for cancer research and by assisting the CSF and its member associations. Fundraising for the CSF is centralised in the Cancer Foundation. The Foundation is the largest private supporter of cancer research in Finland. The Finnish Cancer Registry, established in 1952, is an epidemiological and statistical cancer research institute. Its nucleus is the population-based cancer registry and screening registries under the National Institute for Health and Welfare (THL). The task of the Finnish Cancer Registry is to provide the authorities and the public with information on the cancer situation and its development, to provide researchers with material for cancer research and to conduct its own research. CSF strategy 2021-25 The strategy is a pledge by the CSF to work with determination to promote health, prevent cancer, support those with cancer and reduce the harm caused by cancer throughout the country. Vision: A good life without cancer and despite cancer. Mission: To prevent and cope with cancer and provide support for people with cancer and their loved ones. Aims. The CSF is a strong and competent organisation that promotes health, wellbeing and cancer prevention; promotes a good quality of life for people with cancer and their loved ones, despite cancer; strengthens equity and effectiveness in cancer diagnosis and treatment; and strengthens cancer research and expertise. Development programmes. There are five development programmes at the core of the implementation of the 2021-2025 Strategy: We work with people to benefit people. We do things that have a high impact. We promote our goals in every encounter. We develop cooperation and a division of labour within the organisation. We strengthen cancer prevention, diagnosis and treatment by improving cancer research and expertise. The development programmes are implemented through projects launched each year during the strategy period. In 2022, the following projects were launched: Developing new forms of volunteering . Identifying and accessing services in different parts of Finland. Developing the Finnish Cancer Registry’s research and expert services (Tutka). For the other projects, a phasing plan was drawn up for the whole strategy period 2021-2025. A mid-term review of the strategy was carried out, coordinated by Excellence Finland, during autumn 2022, and as a result the steering group decided to work specifically on monitoring the implementation of the strategy during 2023.