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Health promotion

Health promotion and cancer prevention are the main goals of the Cancer Society of Finland. Through its work, the organisation strives to reduce the risk of contracting cancer and the harms caused by cancer.

Advice service

The Cancer Society of Finland’s advice service refers to the national advice service and the advice provided by our member organisations. The national advice service is a source of information and support for cancer patients, their loved ones and to anyone concerned about cancer.


Providing peer support and the development of support person activities are a central focus of the Cancer Society’s work. The Cancer Society trains peer support persons and palliative care support persons.


The Social Insurance Institution of Finland, the Cancer Society of Finland and some hospitals organise rehabilitation for cancer patients. The Cancer Society offers rehabilitation courses. The aim is to supplement public rehabilitation services.

Financial support

The Cancer Society of Finland supports cancer patients with various forms of financial assistance.

Research and regulatory responsibilities

An important part of the Cancer Society of Finland’s activity is that carried out by the Finnish Cancer Registry and the Mass Screening Registry that belongs to it. The Finnish Cancer Registry is a research institute dealing with cancer statistics and epidemiology. The Mass Screening Registry plans, develops and evaluates Finnish cancer screening programmes.


The Cancer Society of Finland plays an active role in social advocacy. Such advocacy work is one way to realise the CSF’s vision of “A good quality of life for everyone, free from cancer and regardless of cancer”. Advocacy work is aimed at decision-makers and officials as well as within the health care system and various cooperation frameworks.


The Cancer Society bestows awards and prizes for outstanding achievements in cancer work.