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At the end of 2019 the CSF had 113 employees (104 at the end of 2018). The number of permanent employees was 83 and the number of fixed-term employees was 30.


At year-end 2019, there were 86 women and 27 men among CSF staff. The average age was 45.7. The CSF signed 27 new contracts and terminated 21 during the year.

Personnel management

Personnel management practices were further streamlined during 2019. At the same time, managerial work was strengthened and harmonised. The new supervisors were familiarised with their duties.

During the financial year, the Human Resources Department introduced a new personnel management programme. This will initially be a tool for personnel management, but in the future also for supervisors and staff.

The central office complies with the collective bargaining agreement on social organisations and with the local agreement that entered into force in 2017.

Occupational health services

Mehiläinen Forum continued to be the provider of occupational health services for the CSF. The CSF’s occupational health services include statutory occupational health services, healthcare services provided by general physicians and, when necessary, two visits to a specialist with a referral from the occupational health physician.

Human resources management has regular discussions with occupational health care representatives. In autumn 2019, a statutory workplace survey was commissioned, which also included a work environment survey. The results were discussed with human resources management and in early 2020 they will be presented to all staff members.

Staff meetings

There were nine staff meetings during the year. The themes were related to current affairs and decisions taken by the CSF Board and the working committees.

There were also several informal morning coffee meetings where the CSF’s operations were introduced and talked current projects presented. There were also presentations from the member associations.

Wellbeing at work

From the beginning of 2019, employees were offered the opportunity to spend one hour of working time per week on sports. The aim of this is to prevent musculoskeletal disorders, increase general wellbeing and enliven the working day. Coping at work was also further strengthened with support for sports and cultural activity. During the year, each employee was entitled to a sports and culture allowance worth €300.

CSF staff were further encouraged to hone their work community skills, and emphasis was put on the employees’ own responsibility for promoting a good spirit in the workplace. At the end of the year, employees who had had a positive impact on the work community spirit were rewarded.
The number of sick days accounted for 3.8% of all working days.

Working practices that enable teleworking were further supported. CSF staff used a total of 2 500 days for teleworking.

Labour protection

The CSF’s labour protection committee comprised labour protection manager Minna Heikkilä (chairperson), labour protection representative Anne Sköld and deputy representatives Tuulia Råmark and Milla Lehtinen and Emil Martonen. When the deputy representatives moved on to other positions, they were replaced in early September by Tuulia Råmark and Milla Lehtinen.

Shop steward and employee representative

Communications Specialist Maarit Rautio continued as shop steward representing the Union of Private Sector Professionals (ERTO), and Researcher Maija Jäntti continued as elected employee representative.

Both the labour protection committee and the joint working group between management and stewards convened regularly during the year. The meetings dealt with issues such as the development plan for wellbeing at work, the calculation of travel time, the salary system, and the job classification.

Staff training

Voluntary training of staff is encouraged. Employees participated in several individual training courses and seminars, as well as longer-term, in-service training.

