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Data management deals with the CSF’s data systems services and coordinates the organisation’s data systems in relation to procurement and development projects. A significant part of the services concern the Cancer Registry’s registration work and supporting research activities.

Utilising and developing expertise

The strategic policy of date management is to utilise, if necessary, external purchase services to support the organisation. This will enable challenging technical projects to be implemented cost-effectively and proficiently.

Developing workstation management

Over the course of the year, new workstation installations were changed to Windows 10. Their parallel use with Windows 7 has been problem free. The new operating system’s user feedback has been positive, and through natural removal all workstations will gradually migrate to Windows 10. We will continue to adhere to restricting the equipment stock to one standard model.

Developing mobile device management

In 2016, a mobile security application for all mobile devices owned by the association was introduced. In addition to improving security, the application provides an opportunity to systematically monitor the implementation of security practices, and significantly improves device management.

Cloud services

The use of website hosting services further focused on through dispensing with the old websites. The procurement of the infra server from cloud service providers was moved to 2017.

Distance work

In 2016, the introduction of distance work was clearly evident in the operations of the CSF. In terms of IT this proceeded largely without difficulties, thanks to the prior standardisation of the entire workstation base and the implementation of the VPN. This has also made it possible to manage workstations used solely outside the premises.

Internal communications

In order to improve the internal exchange of the organization, Yammer was introduced through Office O365. Skype for Business was launched in the early part of the year and the staff were given training in its use.