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Overview by the Secretary General

The first year of the new strategy period started amid the Covid-9 pandemic. 2020 had already taught us how to operate under conditions where all sorts of encounters and gatherings were severely restricted.

Promoting health, wellbeing and cancer prevention

The Cancer Registry collects cancer data from all over Finland and from patients of all ages. The data can be used to produce reliable statistics to estimate the cancer burden in Finland. The quality and completeness of the data is constantly being studied. In 2021, quality checks have been made more systematic, for example by automatically checking the cancer notifications received by the Cancer Registry.

Read more: Promoting health, wellbeing and cancer prevention

Strengthening cancer research and expertise

In 2021, total grants amounted to around EUR 7.25 million, funding around 87 researchers. The Cancer Foundation had one grant disbursement in the autumn. There were four major grants, other grants for research teams, psychosocial cancer research grants and dissertation grants. The spring travel grants were not opened as the pandemic meant that most of the travel grants awarded the previous year were still unused and were extended until the end of 2022.

Read more: Strengthening cancer research and expertise