The Cancer Foundation’s finances remained stable in 2018. Using fundraising and investments the foundation was able to fulfil its purpose, according to its rules and regulations, fund cancer research, support the work of the Cancer Society of Finland and provide financial support to people with cancer. Also, thanks to the planning for the active use of the Cancer Foundation’s funds, resources were also provided for supporting research and other uses. The investment property of the Cancer Foundation is managed according to the principles of the investment plan approved by the board. The plan was updated in the autumn of 2017 and given for the attention of portfolio managers. Portfolio management was tendered in the spring of 2018 and was transferred to three different asset managers in equal shares. The investment portfolio management was carried out by Evli Bank Plc, SEB Investment Management Ltd and LähiTapiola Asset Management Ltd. Investments are not made in alcohol or tobacco companies. The return on investment assets was -3.7 per cent in 2018. The market value of investment assets at the end of the year was €57,0 million. The difference between the market value and the book value as of 31 December 2013 was €36 052. A total of 10 apartments and properties received as wills were sold during the year. This resulted in funds being used for the donor’s intended purposes, including support for cancer research. Funding from the W Thuring Foundation amounted to €800 000 in 2018. A fund report for the Cancer Foundation was completed in 2018. This clarified and updated plans for the use of funds and clarified their accounts processing and demarcation. The aim was to ensure that the purpose of the funds was met. The foundation’s total revenue was €20 895 238 (€13 457 605 in 2017) and total outlays €14,974,639 (€14,308,496 in 2017).