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The Cancer Foundation provided support for cancer research through grants and other means totalling €8,8 million. In the autumn 2018, the Cancer Foundation awarded 94 scholarships totalling €6 333 000. The sum includes two major grants of €450 000 and one three-year major grant of € 300 000 plus 34 dissertation grants totalling €130 000.


Recipients of the Cancer Foundation’s major grants in 2018 were Professor Jukka Westermarck (University of Turku), Professor Seppo Ylä-Herttuala (University of Eastern Finland), and Dosent Merja Heinäniemi (University of Eastern Finland).

In addition to the Cancer Foundation’s grants, the Cancer Society of Finland awarded five grants (€760 000) in autumn 2018.

In 2018 the foundation and the society awarded a total of 158 grants amounting in all to €7 163 300.

There were four three-year grants awarded. There were 29 two-year grants disbursed. The Pink Ribbon fund disbursed €800 000 in the autumn.

In the spring, travel grants amounting €70 300 were awarded to 60 researchers. The grants were given to some 40% of applicants.

Altogether, the Cancer Foundation awarded 153 grants in 2018 totalling €6 403 300. The sum includes the two grants for psychosocial cancer research, awarded in the autumn totalling €80 000.

Other scientific funding

In 2018, the Cancer Foundation supported the Finnish Cancer Registry through funds totalling €1,15 million. €137,822 was given to the Nordic Cancer Union (NCU) Cancer Research Fund to finance joint Nordic research projects.

Training support

Cancer Foundation symposium

The 45th symposium of the Cancer Foundation was held in February on the topic of gynaecological cancers. The symposium is held annually, and is a multidisciplinary training event, in which over a 100 physicians who work with cancer take part.

The symposium presentations and discussion were sued for a thematic issue of the Duodecim journal on gynaecological cancers in cooperation with the Finnish Medical Society Duodecim. Through the magazine, the latest research data can be widely disseminated to specialist physicians, specialising physicians, and other physicians interested in the treatment of gynaecological cancers and diagnostics. This collaboration is expected to continue in the future.